Wednesday 27 July 2011

Parenting for Four Years Old

These past few days I have been reading alot. It has been months aku meninggalkan aktiviti ni (read for the kids tu ade lah)!. Maybe I was too engrossed with other activities..plan pindah rumah, fikir and coordinate reno rumah, office work, plan bersalin, mengemas rumah...and the list goes on and on..
without me realising the exertion and strain that building up inside me..

I read about parenting for four years old. I search the net endlessly for information..

These are random thoughts from my own experience :

First of all, Adam is attending pre school. I need to be aware that it takes A LOT of energy for him to hold it together, follow the rules and listen, not to mention sitting down and focusing. 
Most four year olds, according to traditional childhood developmental standards, have the “wiggles”, have short attention spans, and have more physical energy than they know what to do with.  Compare that description to what is going on at school, and plan for lots of outside time to blow off steam when they get home.
Thats explain why balik sekolah je,Adam will ask for a few rounds of bicycle ride, and after that nak siram pokok pulak (adoi, tgh2 panas anak ku sayang dgn tak bukak baju sekolah lagi..). nonetheless, we let him do it for a few minutes..susah jugak lah nak ajak masuk rumah..

"Adam, jom masuk rumah..petang nanti we can water the plants again.." No response..
"Adam, masuk rumah lah..its hot outsides..nanti demam.." "Adam dah minum water ibu" ..*adoi lah..*
"Adam, masuk lah, kesian adik main sorang-sorang.." No response..
"Adam, jom masuk, simpan your water spray, park your bicycle, mandi and have your lunch.."
" Can I have 3 more ibu.."
After a few minutes, still tak masuk rumah...
"Adam, if you are not coming in now, ibu tutup pintu.." "Yelah, yelah...*reluctantly*
How many words / persuations am I using to this angel? Most of the times, rase frustrated because im out of idea dah...and I had to threaten him..

A four-year-old doesn’t need a lecture or a speech or guilt.  Short explanations, possibly. 
Restitution for what they did – fixing it in some way- is so important. 
But not the lecture or guilt-trip.  They really cannot comprehend it the way we as an adult can!
Many four-year-olds in a stage of disequilibrium actually need less words, less choices, more warmth and more CALMNESS from us.

The inner work of our parenting skills at this time is several-fold. The key word is to stay calm.
Take a deep breath everytime these angels spilled a cup of water, get cranky all of sudden, want things to be his way..*this is also reminder to myself :)*

Having break for a few minutes without any kids is essential. You can reflect, recharge and reconnect yourself..*maybe tido is not a really good choice tho, tapi oklah..bole recharge our energy..hehehe..*

This will definately help me to be better mother...mungkin sekarang ni, this opportunity for me is limited only after the kids are in bed...sebab balik office nak kena siapkan household works, masak and at the same time attending to the kids..susah betul nak spend quality time with the kids without maid sekarang nie..*as energy pun dah berkurang during 3rd trimester*

I need to be easy on myself.  Parenting a four-year-old is a lot of work, working to structure and balance your daily activities..
Need to work toward less words, less explanation, more warmth to these angels..*more hugs and kisses for them*
Expalin on how to fix something.. rather than just talk about the anger, upset and tiredness that I'm feeling at that moment – whew, it is hard work! 

Be easy with yourself, stay clam, love yourself and your angels as you grow as a parent.

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