Tuesday 2 August 2011

Ramadhan ke dua..

Today, ade check up kat hospital. Placenta ade sikit calcification..but baby growth still ok..kaki, muka and tangan dah start bengkak-bengkak..gynae advise suruh monitor blood pressure. Dia takut early signs of pre eclampsia..banyak betul dugaan pregnancy with SLE nie..tapi ape pun yang berlaku, I need to be sangat bersyukur kepada Tuhan..Alhamdulillah ya Allah..semua ini ade hikmah nye…

Balik from hospital, aku purposely lalu kat sebelah Pejabat Imigration..nak tengok lah ‘kemeriahan’ proses pemutihan pendatang ni kan..
Memang ramai betul orang around that area..definately you can differentiate them from our Malaysian people kan, with their faces and they way they dress…
Public buses lalu lalang je kat tepi building tu..and to my surprise, none of them yang tahan these buses and board them..these illegal immigrant naik taxis..and ade jugak yang bawak kereta or motobikes sendiri – sibuk carik parking…wah, banyak nye duit diaorang nie!! Bole ade motor, kereta..jalan-jalan naik teksi.. kita malaysian, kena kira duit cukup ke tak nak commute pegi kerja naik public transport...such ironic..

Aku sebenarnya tak bole make up the rational of giving these people amnesty or pengampunan..kenapa tak terus hantar balik lepas amik biometrik nye?? So that lepas ni nak masuk lagi dgn menipu nama and passport yang lain dah tak bole.. first passport namanye rohani, second passport nama nye nurani, third passport namanye suraini..mungkin lah kan..heheheh. muka bole jadi kurus sikit, gemuk sikit, pakai tudung, tak pakai tudung..make up sikit..hehehe.. tapi cap jari nye same..

I think its about time we need to be strict with these people.. we should learn from neighbouring countries on how to tackle these immigrants problems..
sampai bila nak bagi muka..mungkin sebab tu lah pandai pijak kepala orang-orang kita…(mungkin ade sedikit emo disini sebab maid baru je lari..hehehehe)

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